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Transforming Rehabilitation in the Community

Connect transforms the way officers supervise individuals in the community by digitising processes and providing self-service capabilities via our unique and comprehensive digital suite to complement face-to-face interactions.

Connect provides a future-focused platform that can be deployed cost-effectively, at speed and scale, easily integrating into and complimenting existing systems. Eligible individuals can use their fingerprint and facial biometrics to access a range of online services through Connect, including an in-office kiosk, web and mobile phone applications.

Connect not only enhances the connectivity of supervised individuals with their rehabilitation process, but it also transforms the way community corrections officers deliver effective case management.


A smart solution 

We’ve designed and engineered a comprehensive platform, to improve rehabilitation outcomes, agency efficiencies and stronger
compliance through increasing connectivity, clarity and accessibility to users.

The result is a tailored, scalable and easily integrated solution to meet the evolving needs of both agencies and diverse communities.

Full Omni Experience  
Ensuring a comprehensive omni-channel experience, catering to diverse user needs and preferences.

Integrates with Existing Platforms Designed to seamlessly build on and integrate with existing platforms and services.

Flexibility for Diverse User & Community Needs
The product is adaptable to various ways of working and user types, effectively engaging with diverse and at-risk individuals,
addressing a range of community needs.


Built to be truly transformative

We have built Connect with the aim of delivering tangible benefits to both agencies and supervised individuals. For most agencies these benefits far outweigh the cost of our solution. 

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Our comprehensive offering 


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Discover the advantages of powerful features 

self report

Advanced tools enhancing user experience

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Supervision and Support of individuals are key for successful rehabilitation in the community

Your engagement and onboarding 

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"We selected Optimation's solution to help us transform the way we manage supervised individuals in the community through the innovative use of technology"

Michael Nikolic | QCS Chief Digital Officer, Digital Services & Information Technology Branch, Organisational Capability

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What you can expect from our solution 

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"Supervision is more than simply monitoring the offenders’ compliance with the conditions attached to their release. It involves managing the risk presented by the offender, acquiring and arranging resources to meet the needs of the offender and developing and maintaining a human relationship with the offender that engenders trust with appropriate boundaries"

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna

Key features and functionality 

For case managers

  • Portal to interact with and report on supervised individuals
  • Dashboard and search functions
  • Queue management and flow of visitors and supervised individuals
  • Email and TXT push technology
  • Digital forms
  • Tools to manage actions and tasks

Key features and functionality 

For managed individuals  

  • Multiple digital channels for Self-service depending on risk assessment
  • Accessible via cell phone, web-portal and kiosk
  • Visibility of appointments and reminders for the offenders
  • Ability to request approval to vary conditions
  • Visibility of important information

Interested in discussing how Optimation Connect can benefit you?

We're on a journey to implement digital solutions that drive positive outcomes.

Let’s discuss how we can collaborate, leveraging technology for impactful results, empowering both individuals and communities.

Connect uses technology as a catalyst for better social outcomes, empowerment, and the reduction of recidivism.

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